Located off the south-eastern coast of Africa, Madagascar is one of the largest islands in the world and it is considered by many as paradise. The enormous island is home to some of the best wildlife species in the world including the unique agile animals called lemurs. The destination is also an adventure getaway, featuring a wide range of activities such as diving, whale watching, fishing, kite surfing, bird-watching, kayaking, yachting and many more. You’ll also have an opportunity to experience their culture, learn more about their rich cultural heritage, and the Malagasy people.

Nigerians interested in visiting Madagascar require a visa to enter the country. If you are applying for a Madagascar visa as a Nigerian tourist, you can get it on arrival at the point of entry in Madagascar.
Tourist Visa (Short Stay)
This type of visa is non-convertible, and its duration is for less than 3 months. You can get the tourist visa at the point of entry at Madagascar airport or apply directly at the consulate office.
Requirements include:
- Two Passport Photos
- Application Form duly filled up
- A copy of return flight ticket
- Accommodation reservation proof
- A Valid International passport
- Yellow Fever Card (if you have stayed in any infected country in the last six days)
Cost of visa at the point of entry:
- 0 to 30 days – €31
- 31 to 60 days – €40
- 60 to 90 days – €55
If you have all the required documents, you’ll have no trouble getting a visa upon arrival at the airport in Madagascar.
Other Type of Visas
Nigerians can apply for any other type of visa to Madagascar such as Business visa, Work Visa and Transit Visa. If you also want to stay long in the country, you can apply from the Madagascan Embassy. However, there is no Madagascar embassy here in Nigeria; you can apply directly from the nearest embassy, which is located in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Madagascar Embassy Address in Kenya
Honorary Consulate of Madagascar
AACC Building, Westlands
0800 Nairobi
Tel: 254 20 445 24 10
Fax: 254 20 444 32 41
E-mail: madaconsulateswiftkenya.com
Disclaimer: Please be informed that Travelanders does not process visa applications. We only provide visa information based on our experience with Madagascar visa applications. For more information regarding Madagascar visa, please visit the embassy’s official website.
The information provided on this page is correct as at 15 October 2018.
Please stay away from ‘dubious travel agents to avoid getting duped. If you want to apply for a visa to Madagascar through a travel agent, please use licenced and renowned travel agents.